Research Data Supporting "Enhancing the Performance of Layered Metal-Organic Framework Supercapacitors by Coordination Modulation"
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Gittins, James
Balhatchet, Chloe
Fairclough, Simon
Forse, Alexander
Experimental data supporting ""Enhancing the Performance of Layered Metal-Organic Framework Supercapacitors by Coordination Modulation".
This data set contains six primary files:
Conductivity Measurement Data (.xlsx, .txt - contains results from the measurements used to calculate conductivity values).
Electrochemistry Data (.txt - contains CV, GCD and EIS data from electrocehmcial cells assembled with a variety of different samples and either 1 M NEt4BF4 in ACN or EMIM-BF4 IL electrolytes, along with the metafiles for the cells).
Elemental Analysis Data (.pdf, .xlsx, .txt - contains elemental analysis data).
Gas Sorption Data (.txt - contains results from gas sorption measurements).
SEM Data (.tif - contains SEM images from a range of samples).
TEM Data (.tif, .txt - contains TEM images from samples of A-CuHHTP and B-CuHHTP, intesnity plot data for an image of B-CuHHTP, and results from simulations).
XRD Data (.txt - contains synchrotron XRD data).
Software / Usage instructions
- .txt can be opened with any text editor.
- .xlsx files can be opened with Microsoft Excel or any spreadsheet software.
- .pdf files can be opened with any pdf viewer.
- .tif files can be opened with an image viewer.
Electrochemistry, Metal-Organic Frameworks, Supercapacitor