SPINTHIR: An ignition model for gas turbines
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Modelling ignition in gas turbines is very important from a practical perspective. A new ignition model has been developed, which is fully described in: Neophytou, A., Richardson, E. S. & Mastorakos, E. (2012) Spark ignition of turbulent recirculating non-premixed gas and spray flames: a model for predicting ignition probability. Combustion and Flame. 159, 1503-1522. doi:10.1016/j.combustflame.2011.12.015. In this model, called SPINTHIR (Stochastic Particle INTegrator for HIgh-altitude Relight), a CFD solution of the inert flow is interrogated to provide information on the ignition behaviour. The three movies below (1-3) show trajectories of flame elements following spark ignition in a swirling spray lab-scale flame that has been used for validation of the model. Movies 4 and 5 show particle paths for a favourable (4) and an unfavourable (5) spark ignition event for a surface discharge igniter in a realistic gas turbine that has been simulated by Rolls-Royce.