Officers' Mess, 1st Batt Grenadier Guards
Change log
153 x 114 mm. A view showing Grenadier Guards seated at a table under an awning. Their names are listed as: ' Lieut. E. Seymour. Lieut. F. Swaine. Lieut.-Col. F. [later Lt Gen Sir Francis] Lloyd. Lieut. E. Verschoyle. Lieut. G. Russell. Capt. Murray-Threipland. Lieut. H. Stucley. Lieut. [later Lt General Sir] Sidney Clive. Lieut. E. Trotter. Lieut. F. Hervey-Bathurst. Capt. W. Marshall'. The photograph is stuck on to an album page entitled 'Omdurman'.
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Royal Commonwealth Society Library. Cambridge University Library. University of Cambridge.