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An Archaeological Desk Based Assessment for a Proposed Overhead Power Line between Horningsea and Burwell

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Evans, Christopher 
Hall, Andrew 


An archaeological desk-based assessment has been undertaken by Cambridge Archaeological Unit (CAU). The proposed overhead power line crosses an important fen-edge landscape with numerous known archaeological findspots, notably of the prehistoric periods. For the purpose of this report, a 200 metre wide study corridor (100m either site of the proposed route) has been assigned and all known sites falling within or immediately adjacent to this study corridor will be addressed and discussed within the report. The aims of this study are: 1) To collate and summarise the known archaeology within the study corridor, to list it within a gazetteer table and plot the position of sites and findspots in relation to the proposed development. It will therefore be possible to identify areas of the highest archaeological potential. 2) In addition, an assessment of the state of preservation for such archaeological remains will also be made. 3) The nature of the proposed works and the extent to which this will detrimentally affect the underlying archaeology will also be addressed. The 200 metre study corridor was chosen to enable an assessment of the physical impact on the archaeological resource. 4) The final sections of the report assesses the importance of the archaeological resource within this region and highlight suitable strategies for mitigation within a framework of relevant research priorities.



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Cambridge Archaeological Unit, Department of Archaeology, University of Cambridge

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