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Northstow Phase 2, Cambridgeshire Archaeological Post Excavation Assessment (Vol 4) Area AA5 and Area AA5b

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Collins, Matthew 


Cambridge Archaeological Unit (CAU) undertook two open-area excavations within a field designated (by the CAU) as Area AA5, which formed part of the Northstowe Phase 2 excavation programme. These areas (labelled AA5 and AA5b) were located inside the former Oakington Airfield boundary within (and next to) a part of the site previously occupied by the Oakington Immigration Centre. Both excavations targeted opposing halves of the same Iron Age and Romano-British settlement which had been identified during previous works. The Iron Age activity appeared to form a small farmstead, which lies within a network of similar settlements that have been identified across the Northstowe landscape. The Iron Age settlement then directly transitioned into an Early Roman farmstead, which likely remained occupied throughout the Romano-British period. This was linked to a much larger road-side settlement, (identified within Areas AA1, AA2, AA3, AA3 North and AA6) located to the south by trackways, which formed part of a network extending across much of this landscape. A small quantity of Early Anglo-Saxon material was also recovered from across AA5, indicating a local presence during this period. The only other post-Roman activity present (aside from activity relating to the Airfield and subsequent use of the site) was the highly truncated remains of medieval and post-medieval ridge and furrow agriculture.



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Cambridge Archaeological Unit, Department of Archaeology, University of Cambridge

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