Research Data supporting ''Dental Development and First Premolar Homology in Placental Mammals''
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Supplementary Data are in the archive "" Figure S1. Predicted (x-axis) by actual (y-axis) areas of teeth in mm2 depicted for each species. Dotted diagonal lines represent agreement between predicted and observed areas. First premolar=square, dp2=circle, dp3=triangle, dp4=diamond, m1=plus, m2=asterisk, m3=crossDiamond, m4=crossCircle. Appendix S1. CSV file listing specimens and measurements, "tareas-manuallyCompleted.csv". CBL = condylobasal length (distance from anterior premaxilla to posterior occipital condyle), SC = symphysis to condyle distance. area = length x width areas calculated for each tooth locus (see text). PRE = area predictions based on inhibitory cascade model (see text).
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sengis, macroscelidids, dogs, canids, Afrotheria, Carnivora, ontogeny, tooth replacement, deciduous teeth