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Data supporting "Avoiding monetary loss: a human habenula functional MRI ultra-high field study"

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Weidacker, Kathrin 
Kim, Seung-Goo 
Nord, Camilla 
Rua, Catarina 
Rodgers, Christopher T 


This file set includes all the data used for the corresponding publication: MRI, fMRI, behavioural, the group MNI template, the physiological data (cardiac and respiration), as well as all the ROIs created for the habenulae per participant and on the group level. The experimental task was programmed in presentation and the here included files contain the .sce and .pcl files used to create the task converted into word documents. Matlab analyses files for all analyses incorporated in the corresponding publication are also included. The file set is subdivided into the respective folders. The data of 18 participants was collected at Cambridge University, Wolfson Brain Imaging Centre, Cambridge Biomedical Campus, Cambridge CB2 0QQ. Assessment took place in the second half of 2019. The data was collected as part of a research grant for 7T imaging by the NIHR Cambridge Biomedical Research Centre (BRC-1215-20014) awarded to Valerie Voon. The anonymised dataset is being released to allow reuse by others aligned with the open science Cortex TOP guidelines.


Software / Usage instructions

These data files can be opened using matlab, notepad, word, any picture viewers


habenula, fMRI, Cortex


Medical Research Council (MR/P008747/1)