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The synthesis of quinolone natural products from pseudonocardia sp.

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Salvaggio, F 
Hodgkinson, JT 
Carro, L 
Geddis, SM 
Galloway, WRJD 


jats:titleAbstract</jats:title>jats:pThe synthesis of four quinolone natural products from the actinomycete jats:italicPseudonocardia</jats:italic> sp. is reported. The key step involved a spjats:sup2</jats:sup>–spjats:sup3</jats:sup> Suzuki–Miyaura reaction between a common boronic ester lateral chain and various functionalised quinolone cores. The quinolones slowed growth of jats:italicE. coli</jats:italic> and jats:italicS. aureus</jats:italic> by inducing extended lag phases.</jats:p>



Synthetic methods, Cross-coupling, C-C coupling, Nitrogen heterocycles, Natural products, Antibiotics

Journal Title

European Journal of Organic Chemistry

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Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EP/J016012/1)
Royal Society (WM150022)
European Research Council (279337)
The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Reserach Council under the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) ERC grant agreement no [279337/DOS]. Research in the DRS lab is also supported by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, Biotechnology and BiologicalSciences Research Council, Medical Research Council, Cancer Research UK, and the Wellcome Trust. Work in the MW lab is supported by the BBSRC and MRC. JTH was supported by Trinity College Cambridge. Data accessibility: all data supporting this study are provided as Supplementary Information accompanying this paper.