Research data supporting Evaluating the temperature dependence of Magnox waste glass dissolution
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MW25 Sieving and Washing.xlsx: Gives the masses and yields of the sample preparation procedure. MW25 70 and 80 - Vessel mass, SAV ratios, leaching times, calibrations, pH measurements.xlsx: Gives the measurements taken when starting the dissolution experiments; the masses of leachant and glass powders used, the glass surface area to leachant volume ratios calculated from these values, the times at which the experiments were started and ended, calibrations of the pH meters and the pipettes used, and pH measurements of the leachant solutions before and after each dissolution interval for the 70 and 80 °C experiments. MW25 70 and 80 - Leachate and blank concentrations.xlsx: Presents the raw ICP-MS results of the leachates and blanks for the 70 and 80 °C experiments, alongside calculations for the normalised releases. The names and symbols used and the calculations correspond to those used in the ASTM methods PCT-B protocol (Designation: C1285-14). MW25 40 and 90 - Vessel mass, leaching times, calibrations, pH measurements, dilution factors.xlsx: Gives the measurements taken when starting the dissolution experiments; the masses of leachant and glass powders used, the times at which the experiments were started and ended, calibrations of the pH meters and the pipettes used, and pH measurements of the leachant solutions before and after each dissolution interval for the 40 and 90 °C experiments. MW25 40 and 90 - SAV ratios.xlsx: Gives the glass surface area to leachant volume ratios calculated for the 40 and 90 °C experiments, calculated using the leachant volumes and glass masses in the 'MW25 40 and 90 - Vessel mass, leaching times, calibrations, pH measurements, dilution factors.xlsx' workbook. MW25 40 and 90 - Leachate and blank concentrations.xlsx: Presents the raw ICP-OES results of the leachates and blanks for the 40 and 90 °C experiments, alongside calculations for the normalised releases. The names and symbols used and the calculations correspond to those used in the ASTM methods PCT-B protocol (Designation: C1285-14). MW25 - Activation energies.xlsx: Presents the normalised release rates at 6 hours for all temperatures probed. This data may be fit using the activation energy equation given in the paper with Igor Pro software (Wavemetrics). MW25 - XRD.xlsx: Gives the XRD diffractograms of the pristine glass and the glass leached at each temperature for 28 days. Data is presented as angle (2 theta) and intensity (not background corrected). MW25 - SEM key.xslx: Gives the stub numbers and sample names for use with the SEM .rar archives. MW25 - EDX key.xslx: Gives the stub numbers and sample names for use with the EDX .rar archive. SEM (Pristine).rar: Archive containing .tif files of the secondary electron SEM images of the pristine glass samples. SEM (70 leached).rar: Archive containing .tif files of the secondary electron SEM images of the 70 °C leached samples. SEM (80 leached).rar: Archive containing .tif files of the secondary electron SEM images of the 80 °C leached samples. EDX spectra and images.rar: Archive containing EDX files of the pristine glass and glasses leached at 70 and 80 °C at each duration. Spectra jpg files: .jpg files of the spectra of each spot analysed. Spectra txt files: the spectra presented in a .txt format for use with Excel. spx files: Spectra files for use with ESPIRIT CAM software. Tif files of spot locations: .tif files showing BSE images taken of the glass powders, as well as the locations of each spot taken.