The Excavation of Terminal Bronze Age & Medieval Settlement Remains at Baston Quarry No. 2, Langtoft, Lincolnshire (Phase IV, Area A)
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Hall, Cassian
On behalf of Hanson Aggregates (then known as ARC), in advance of gravel extraction, an archaeological excavation was carried out by the Cambridge Archaeological Unit at Baston Quarry No.2, Langtoft, Lincolnshire (NGR TF 131 130) between 9.6.98 and 31.7.98. Eighty-six distinct archaeological features were identified which can, when used in combination with the Test Pit and other surface recovered material, be separated into four main groups of activity: 1) Palaeolithic and Mesolithic residual/surface collected lithics 2) Neolithic and Early Bronze Age features 3) Late Bronze Age pit features/settlement 4) Medieval enclosure system
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Cambridge Archaeological Unit, Department of Archaeology, University of Cambridge