Research data supporting "Parameterising the Transport Pathways for Cell Invasion in Complex Scaffold Architectures."
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The following data files are provided: • Acetic acid dataset: A .tif file containing the stack of binarised Micro-CT images of the scaffold fabricated with acetic acid. The image stack is 550 pixels across in all dimensions, where 1 pixel = 3.74 µm. All measurements described in the main text were taken using various different regions sampled from this main volume. • HCl dataset: A .tif file containing the stack of binarised Micro-CT images of the scaffold fabricated with HCl. The image stack is 550 pixels across in all dimensions, where 1 pixel = 3.74 µm. All measurements described in the main text were taken using various different regions sampled from this main volume. • Interconnectivity data: An excel file containing the raw measurements for each of the Flood Fill, 3D Shrink-Wrap and Directional Shrink-Wrap results, described in the main text for each scaffold. • Percolation scaling data: An excel file containing the measurements of L and d taken for each scaffold, allowing calculation of dc, i.e. the object diameter that may traverse the entire scaffold when extrapolated to infinite dimensions.