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Archaeological Monotoring of Land Northeast of Barhill

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Bourne, Tom 


Archaeological monitoring of eight geotechnical test pits/soakaways was carried out on land northeast of Bar Hill, Cambridgeshire (centered on TL 39170 63951) by the Cambridge Archaeological Unit on the 3rd February 2020. The investigations were carried out in advance of the possible redevelopment of 100ha of land, and was commissioned by Hodgkinson Acquisitions 2019 Limited in response to a request from the Cambridgeshire Historic Environment Team. The archaeological monitoring of the geotechnical/soakaway test pits yielded no significant results. The only potential feature was a possible furrow located in an area that cropmarks suggest was under cultivation in the Medieval period. The lack of significant archaeology is likely due to the test pits location outside of the main concentrations of known activity and also due to the very limited scale of the investigations.



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Cambridge Archaeological Unit, Department of Archaeology, University of Cambridge

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