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Spatial variation of Anopheles-transmitted Wuchereria bancrofti and Plasmodium falciparum infection densities in Papua New Guinea.

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Alexander, Neal D 
Moyeed, Rana A 
Hyun, Phil J 
Dimber, Zachary B 
Bockarie, Moses J 


The spatial variation of Wuchereria bancrofti and Plasmodium falciparum infection densities was measured in a rural area of Papua New Guinea where they share anopheline vectors. The spatial correlation of W. bancrofti was found to reduce by half over an estimated distance of 1.7 km, much smaller than the 50 km grid used by the World Health Organization rapid mapping method. For P. falciparum, negligible spatial correlation was found. After mass treatment with anti-filarial drugs, there was negligible correlation between the changes in the densities of the two parasites.


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3207 Medical Microbiology, 32 Biomedical and Clinical Sciences, 3202 Clinical Sciences, Clinical Research, Infectious Diseases, Vector-Borne Diseases, 3 Good Health and Well Being

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Springer Science and Business Media LLC