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I-CeM Lookup Tables -- Consistent place of enumeration Code

Change log


Wakelam, Alexander 


These three spreadsheets are designed to be used in conjunction with the Integrated Census Microdata (I-CeM) collection of historic census data covering the period 1851 to 1921. For further details of the I-CeM data collection, please visit the comprehensive project website at:

Outline information on the I-CeM project are also provided on the README page of each spreadsheet.

These files are collectively specifically related to the I-CeM data collection variables CONPARID and PARID

The consistent place or parish of enumeration variable (CONPARID) is, by its nature a highly complex variable and so details related to it have been split across three distinct spreadsheets.

  1. CONPARID consistent geography of enumeration
  2. CONPARID consistent geography of enumeration by year and PARID
  3. CONPARID consistent geography of enumeration - parish listing

The first of these is the basic lookup for the CONPARID variable providing a label for each code. The second spreadsheet, giving CONPARID codes by year and parish identifier (PARID), allows users to match year-specific PARIDs to CONPARID and vice versa. Finally, those seeking to identify where particular parishes have been placed in each year should turn to the third spreadsheet.


Software / Usage instructions

MS Excel


census, place of enumeration


ESRC (ES/X002039/1)