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An Archaeological Evaluation at Clare Hall, 11 Herschel Road, Cambridge

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Alexander, Mary 


This report details the results of an archaeological evaluation that took place at 11, Herschel Road Cambridge on 21 October 1998. The work was commissioned by Kenneth Caldwell of Nicholas Ray Associates on behalf of Clare Hall, as a preliminary stage to the proposed development of the area as college accommodation. The programme of work outlined by the Cambridge Archaeological Unit was approved by S. Kaner of the CAO . The site is situated in the grounds of 11, Herschel Road TL 43525835. No features of archaeological significance were found, despite the proximity of the projected line of the Roman road. In Trench 1 all the earlier deposits had been truncated by landscaping in the 1960s. Trench 2 revealed a deposit of material presumably derived from the demolition of structures at the time of the construction of the present buildings, and used to create an artificial bank. This overlay the former ploughsoil of medieval or later date. The ploughsoil was also present in Trench 3, cut by a small garden feature and a land drain. One sherd of possible Iron Age pottery found in a residual context suggests a low level of Iron Age activity in the area.



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Cambridge Archaeological Unit, Department of Archaeology, University of Cambridge

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