University of Parma: Academic staff expectations on DSpace services: results of a survey at the University of Parma's Art and Humanities Faculty
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DSpace has been implemented in the University of Parma in the second semester of 2003, with 2004 as a preparatory year of experimentation and organisation. The first Faculty to be involved in the Dspace project experimentation has been the Arts and Humanities Faculty, starting from the Department of Cultural Heritage, followed by some others on voluntary basis. A survey was done in March 2004, with the aim of personalising the services to different needs and behaviours of the Faculty staff, distributed in the Departments of: History, Political Science, Environment Studies, Education, Philosophy, Italian Literature, Foreign Languages and Literature, Classical and Medieval Philology and Cultural Heritages. The objectives of the survey were:
measure and evaluate the use of electronic publications and the disposal to publish on line by teachers; to know the behaviour and expectations of the humanistic teachers about preservation, copyright, peer-review and Open Access; to understand if the characteristics of the different disciplines could impact on the use of the Open Access archives; to verify what types of document Faculty teachers would like to store more than others. The percentage of reply has been of 53%, with History Department with the higher reply percentage and Environmental Department the lower.
The results have demonstrated a high percentage of teachers willing to deposit their publications in DSpace (66%), with differences related to specialisation, qualifications (researcher, professor, assistant), Departments and preferred typology of publications. The expectations about DSpace are high as a support for research publications and for learning and teaching. However many teachers need abilities and training to use the deposit system and most (80%) wish security and stability assurances for the documents stored. Research reports and articles (80%) are the preferred typology of documents to store.
The survey was useful for the criteria and policy of the DSpace organisation and policy, in particular for the role of support staff, facilitating promotion, submission and editing of documents.