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Media and Identity in Wartime Donbas, 2014-2017 - supplementary data

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This supplement contains additional data and information to the PhD dissertation "Media and Identity in Wartime Donbas, 2014-2017". The supplement is divided into 5 parts one for each of the 5 chapters in the dissertation, plus a methodological supplement. The files labeled 1.x belong to chapter 1, and contain translations of email correspondence and media strategy documents, as well as a data spreadsheet of the media landscape in the Donetsk and Luhansk "People's Republics" (DNR and LNR). Files labeled 2.x contain an overview of press freedom index criteria, as well as a summary and English translation of relevant legal documents relating to the regulation of the mass media in the DNR and LNR. Files labeled 3.x, 4.x and 5.x contain spreadsheets of newspaper and website corpora (anonymised where possible), as well as data tables with topic models for each corpus. Finally, the methodological supplement (labeled M.x) contain the results of an exploratory analysis to determine the most effective method of topic modelling for each corpus.


Software / Usage instructions

To conduct the topic modelling analyses, I used Python, specifically the SciKit Learn and Gensim libraries. The full scripts are included in the documentation (methodology folder).


Donbas, Ukraine, Media

