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Monte Video, near the English Gate

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A townscape, with some human figures.


Drawing. [top right corner, vertical orientation] Sent to my Martens' friend in England by Parry, Nov/33. 1833.11.

The very slight shadows on the right-hand edges of some of the structures suggest that the sun is shining from behind and slightly to the left of Martens' vantage point. The foreground consists of uneven waste ground. In the midground, from left to centre there runs a brick wall some 2.5m high, a small right-hand section of which angles away from the viewer connecting to a wall (some 4m high at its highest) which stretches back to the left-hand edge of the picture. The upper surfaces of these walls are somewhat in ruins. Behind them stands a two- or three-storey flat roofed building with three windows in its top storey and what may be three broad chimney stacks on top, decreasing in size from left to right. To the right of that complex a rough street leads diagonally leftward from the centre of the picture out of sight. To its right, large distant buildings project above the partly ruined walls, some of these buildings being identifiable with buildings in previous pictures: for example, one outlined in the distance with a square low tower, seen here behind Montevideo Cathedral. In front of these more distant buildings stands the main featured building (the English Gatehouse?). This is as much as 10m high, and occupies the centre and right centre of the picture. The top of the wall nearest to and facing the viewer is partly in ruins; the remaining better preserved part of the top of the building has corner pinnacles, possibly statuettes, and three other smaller pinnacles. There are windows in the upper part of the partly ruined walls, and at ground level a door on the corner nearest the viewer, with curved stonework over it, and to its left a small window in the wall facing the street. Facing the viewer there runs a garden-style wall perhaps ruined at its right-hand end, with an entrance about 3m along to what looks like a covered walkway within. To the right, two figures stand on a rough patch of ground or pathway. Other buildings are indicated in the right of the picture, on more distant and elevated ground; on the slopes in front of this area, two figures are indistinctly indicated on what may be a pathway which descends from the distant buildings to the right-hand edge of the picture. In the midground behind this stands Montevideo Cathedral. The dome shows four window openings below the cupola. Below and to the right of the dome the roof is probably lead-covered; behind that part of the roof the two square towers with conical cupolas are visible, each showing two storeys' below the cupola, with a single window opening per storey' on the visible facade. On the facade facing the street, more windows are indicated below a balustrade topped with three possible statuettes; the ground floor of that portion is obscured by the walls on the left-hand side of the street. At ground level further to the right, a pair of lower flat-roofed buildings reveal three street-facing tall openings each, and a further opening on the side facade, which disappears behind the `English Gatehouse'. The Gatehouse itself has what may be a streetlamp attached at a height of some 4.5m to the far corner from the viewer.


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