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Topics in high-dimensional geometry and optimal transport

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Wyczesany, Katarzyna  ORCID logo


The first two chapters of this thesis are devoted to a question of Vitali Milman about the existence of well-complemented almost Euclidean subspaces of spaces uniformly isomorphic to 2n.
First, we show that there exist constants α,ϵ>0 such that for every positive integer n there is a continuous odd function ψ:SmSn, with mαn, such that the ϵ-expansion of the image of ψ does not contain a great circle. We also show how this result is connected to the aforementioned conjecture, more precisely that it allows to build a counterexample to a variation of the question.

We then, in the second chapter, present an example of a normed space X of arbitrarily high dimension that is strongly 2-Euclidean but contains no 2-dimensional subspace that is strongly (1+ϵ)-Euclidean and strongly (1+ϵ)-complemented, where ϵ>0 is an absolute constant. This is a counterexample to the ``strong'' Milman problem.

The second part of this thesis involves topics related to optimal transport theory. The third chapter focuses on cost induced transforms. In particular, a family of order reversing isomorphisms At, which are related to the polarity transform A, is discussed. We prove that At is the unique, up to linear terms, order reversing isomorphism on its image class.

In the last chapter, we give a new proof of the Rockafellar-R"uschendorf theorem about the existence of a potential for a given c-cyclically monotone set with a real-valued cost function. We then generalize the theorem to non-traditional cost functions, i.e. those which may also take the value +, and prove that a necessary and sufficient condition for the existence of a potential is that of c-path boundedness. Finally, we apply our theorem to show that for a continuous cost function and a compact, c-cyclically monotone set which is ``bounded away from infinity'' one gets a potential.





Gowers, William Timothy


Geometric Functional Analysis, Optimal Transport, Normed Space, Order-reversing Isomorphism, Potential


Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

Awarding Institution

University of Cambridge
EPSRC (1804242)
UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) grant EP/L016516/1 for the Cambridge Centre for Analysis (CCA).