Summary statistics for PCOS
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This file contains data relating to the analysis discussed in "Large-Scale Genome-Wide Meta Analysis of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Suggests Shared Genetic Architecture for Different Diagnosis Criteria."
This contains two files. The first, PCOS_summary_data_19092018.tar.gz, is as follows: PCOS_summary_data_19092018.txt The data presented in this file is for the analysis of any diagnostic criteria, excluding the self-report based data from 23andMe.
The file has the following headers: MarkerName; Effect_allele; Other_allele; EAF; Effect.
The data presented in this file is for the analysis of any diagnostic criteria, excluding the self-report based data from 23andMe.
The data reported in this sheet has been truncated to 2 significant figures. This information is also set out in the read-me file - PCOS_summary_data_19092018_README.txt
The second file PCOS_top_10000_SNPS.txt, is as follows: This file contains data from the top 10000 SNPs (based on P-values) from the combined meta-analysis. This data was derived from the studies contribution to the first of these files, and data from 23andMe.
The headers are: MarkerName; Allele1; Allele2; Freq1; Effect; StdErr; Pvalue; HetPVal; TotalSampleSize; EffSampleSize; chr; pos.
In this file Allele 1 is the effect allele.