Cook's Harbour, Eimeo or Moorea, Papetoai
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A hilly landscape surrounding an inlet, with colouring instructions.
Drawing. The sky contains cumulus and possibly cumulo-nimbus clouds over the horizon hills, with some indication of cumulo-cirrus to the right; the sun is shining from behind and to the left of the viewer. Jagged rocky hill and ridge lines, all faintly pencilled, fall away from the left to the centre of the picture to reveal a more distant horizon of hills whose faint shading suggests vertical upper faces. The lower but still steep slopes show indications of vegetation. The slopes descend into the centre left to centre of the midground, down to the water's edge in the harbour. Here one sailing boat is visible, its sails not raised, facing diagonally leftwards in calm water. The land in front of the harbour rises steadily from the foreground into the midground from the left centre of the picture rightwards, reaching horizon-level in the centre right, thereafter flattening off; a single narrowly conical rocky peak protrudes from further away near the right-hand edge of the picture. There are palm trees near the water's edge in front of the inlet, and on the lower slopes in the centre foreground, the latter appearing to rise out of other shrubby undergrowth. There are other indications of scanty vegetation on the ridge lines and in a cleft which descends diagonally into the right-hand corner. In the left foreground, there is a rocky outcrop with shrubby vegetation with oak-like leaves clinging to it. The annotation on the right reads: "on the nearest water -- are some touches of emerald green shore light brown into lightest yellow sand -- the light sand shews at parts on the opposite side.--"