Data supporting NSPN publication "The Positive Parenting Questionnaire: Factor structure and validation"
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Data were derived from a community-recruited sample of 2,432 adolescents (age in years: M=19, SD=3, range=14-25; 54% girls), participating in U-Change (Understanding & Characterising Healthy Adolescent-to-Adult Neurodevelopmental Growth Effects) run by the Neuroscience in Psychiatry Network (NSPN).
This file contains data from the PPQ, a self-report questionnaire comprising 26 statements about a wide range of aspects of positive parenting as perceived by the participant. Data are also included on sex, age, the short form Alabama Parenting Questionnaire, the Measure of Parenting Style questionnaire, the Cambridge Friendship Questionnaire, the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale, the Warwick-Edinburgh Mental Well Being Scale, an Index of Multiple Deprivation based on postcodes, DASI items on previous histories of non-suicidal self-injury, and parental education. Participants who completed the first questionnaire package (T1) were sent another questionnaire package comprising the same instruments one year later (T2).