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Development and characterisation of a copper-based oxygen carrier for chemical-looping with oxygen uncoupling (CLOU)



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In chemical-looping, a fuel is oxidised by a solid metal oxide, MeO, in one reactor: (2n+m)MeO+CnH2m(2n+m)Me+mH2O+nCO2. The exit gas yields pure CO2 after the steam has been condensed. The reduced metal oxide, Me, is transferred to an oxidation reactor and regenerated: Me+airMeO. Adding these reactions, the fuel has been combusted, but the CO2 has been separated from the nitrogen in air. In fact, it is in a suitable form for sequestration in the Earth where prevention of greenhouse gas emissions to the atmosphere is desired. Generally, Me is a transition metal and, to withstand many such redox cycles, it has to be supported on a suitable refractory oxide, with particles of the resulting construct being termed the "oxygen carrier". This Dissertation is concerned with the release and uptake of gaseous oxygen when Me is copper. In particular, the interest is in the following reaction at temperatures exceeding ~900°C undertaken in a fluidised bed reactor: 4CuO${(s)}\Leftrightarrow2Cu{2}O{(s)}+O{2(g)}.(1)\Thevalueofthisreactionisthattheoxygenreleasedaspartofachemicalloopingschemeisimportantincombustingunreactivesolidfuels,e.g.coalchars,whilsttheCu{2}Ocould,inprinciple,befurtherreducedtoCubythemorereactivecomponentsofthefuel.ThisDissertationinvestigatesthedevelopmentandcharacterisationofsuitable,Cubasedoxygencarriers,whichmust(i)beinexpensiveandeasytoproduceatalargescaleand(ii)remainstableinprolongedoperationintermsofmechanicalintegrityandchemicalreactivitywhenfluidised.Here,asuitableoxygencarrierwasdeveloped,satisfyingtheabovecriteria,usingawetmixingmethodandcontainingnominally60wt{2}O_{3}$ and 17 wt% CaO. In particular, it was found that this oxygen carrier could operate between CuO and Cu2O without problem in a circulating fluidised bed but agglomeration and de-fluidisation was observed when the carrier was re-oxidised from the Cu form. For design, it is important to understand the thermodynamics and kinetics of the release of gaseous O2 from the oxygen carrier, because the combustion of the solid fuel depends critically on this reaction. A novel method was developed to measure experimentally the thermodynamics of reaction (1) for the supported copper oxide. It was found that the thermodynamic equilibrium deviated slightly from that of the pure CuO/Cu2O system reported in the literature and that the enthalpy of reaction was lower by ~ 15%; the reasons for this are discussed. The rate of release of O2 from the oxygen carrier was investigated using a thermogravimetric analyser and the activation energy for the forward reaction of (1) was found to be 59.7$\pm$5.6 kJ/mol, obtained after appropriate modelling of the external mass transfer resistances present in the experimental apparatus. A critical analysis of the seemingly disparate activation energies reported in the literature revealed that the activation energy of the forward step in reaction (1) was, in fact, similar for many CuO-based oxygen carriers supported on different materials. The associated pre-exponential factor for the forward rate constant was also determined in the present research, and the kinetic parameters were used in a numerical model to predict the behaviour of the oxygen carriers in a fluidised bed reactor. Excellent agreement between theory and experiment was found, confirming that the kinetic parameters obtained in this work reflect the intrinsic chemical kinetics of the oxygen carrier, rather than being totally dominated by transport effects.




Dennis, John
Scott, Stuart


Research Subject Categories::TECHNOLOGY::Chemical engineering, chemical-looping with oxygen uncoupling, chemical-looping, oxygen carriers, CLOU


Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

Awarding Institution

University of Cambridge