Research data supporting "Genome-wide analysis identifies genetic effects on reproductive success and ongoing natural selection at the FADS locus"
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This dataset contains four files. GWAS results files for number of children ever-born (NEB) was generated from a meta-analysis using METAL. Data for childlessness was generated using BOLT-LMM. Childlessness was coded as “1” for those without children and “0” who had children. For further details about how the phenotypes were derived please consult the publication. In both cases the data relating to the X chromosome is in a separate file. All the files contain 10 columns: "cptid" - the variant ID based in the format CHR:POS:(INDEL); "MARKER" - the rsID; "CHR" - chromosome; "POS" - genomic position in b37; "Allele1" - the effect allele; "Allele2" - the non-effect allele; "Freq" - effect allele frequency; "Beta" - effect; "SE" - standard error of the effect; "Pvalue" - p-value for the association.