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CBR Leximetric Datasets [Updated 2023]

Change log


Armour, John 
Siems, Mathias 


The CBR Leximetric Datasets are the product of work carried out at the Centre for Business Research (CBR) in Cambridge, beginning in 2005 when the Centre received funding from the Economic and Social Research Council to carry out a research project on law, development and finance. Further funding from the ESRC, the European Union's FP5 and FP6 programmes, the Isaac Newton Trust, the Cambridge Political Economy Society and the International Labour Organization made it possible to expand the original datasets to their current state. As of December 2023, there are three principal datasets, coding, respectively, for labour laws in 117 countries between 1970 and 2022 (the CBR Labour Regulation Index), shareholder protection in 30 countries between 1990 and 2013 (the CBR Extended Shareholder Protection Index), and creditor protection in 30 countries between 1990 and 2013 (the CBR Extended Creditor Protection Index). The coding of legal data is carried out using a leximetric coding methodology developed in the CBR and more fully explained in the codebooks which accompany each of the datasets. Taken together, the datasets provide a unique time series which enables researchers and other research users to track changes in labour, company and insolvency law over long periods of time for many countries. A distinguishing feature of these datasets is that all legal sources for the data coding are fully described in the relevant codebooks, thereby assisting transparency, external validity and replicability of results. The 2023 update of the CBR-LRI provides a further decade or so of labour law codings following the previous publication of this dataset. Funding for the update was made possible by the ESRC via its Digital Futures at Work Research Centre (grant ES/S012532/1) and through the NORFACE consortium grant to the POPBACK project (Populist Backlash, Democratic Backsliding, and the Future of the Rule of Law in Europe). The work of further developing the datasets on shareholder and creditor rights, so that they match the labour regulation index in terms of years and countries covered, is ongoing.


Software / Usage instructions

Excel, Adobe


leximetrics, time series, labour regulation, shareholder protection, creditor protection


Economic and Social Research Council (ES/J019402/1)
Economic and Social Research Council (ES/J012491/1)
ESRC (ES/J019402/1)
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Version History

Now showing 1 - 2 of 2
2023-12-07 09:25:29
Centre for Business Research (CBR) Labour Regulation Index (LRI) files updated 2023
2017-04-24 13:13:45
* Selected version