(Best) Practices in the Integration of Social and Digital Decision - Making Approaches Across Industries
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Leeb, Constanze
Mortara, Letizia https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0461-5339
Felicini, Nicola
Phaal, Rob
Moncur, Bethan
This report investigates current practice at the interface between the social (human) decision-making process and digital technology. We want to provide an overview of current learning across various practice contexts, through a unified lens which allows us to assimilate the learning and guide further research. To position 13 cases of integration of human and digital technology in decision-making (Pages 18-88), we propose a three-dimensional space, defined by three axes associated with fundamental questions:
- Whotakesthedecision?(p.13)
- Whattypeofdecision?(p.14)
- Whereinthedecision-makingprocessdoestheintegrationofdigital technologies happen? (p.16). The cases have been collected from academics and managers who study and deploy cutting-edge digital technology for decision-making, on an international basis. Cases were selected to represent a broad range of applications of digital technologies in a variety of decision-making contexts. Each case study presents not just the learnings to date, but also the boundary of current knowledge and future research directions. By cross analysing the cases, we identified themes that are relevant across the three- dimensional space. For each application of a digital technology in decision-making, questions emerge about how to promote the: ii • Adoption of the integration of the digital technology in decision-making, in terms of enablers and barriers (p.90) • Assessment of the integration of the digital technology in decision-making in terms of effectiveness and appropriateness (p.94) • Adaptation of the human systems to integrate digital technologies in decision- making, including inward and outward adaptation (p.100)
Decision-making, Digital technology, Digital Transformation, Emerging technologies, Human Computer Interaction
Is Part Of
Institute for Manufacturing
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European Commission Horizon 2020 (H2020) Marie Sk?odowska-Curie actions (956745)
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska- Curie grant agreement No 956745.