Research data supporting "Dopaminergic brainstem disconnection is common to pharmacological and pathological consciousness perturbation"
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Spindler, Lennart
These are the data that underpin all analyses and figures in the publication. The Excel spreadsheet contains functional connectivity estimates (beta values) extracted from the general linear model (GLM) for both cohorts for the VTA to Precuneus, and the Precuneus to its respective "downstream" targets. The sheets are labelled corresponding to the population in question, namely disorders of consciousness patients, the healthy volunteers from the propofol study and the traumatic brain injury patients receiving methylphenidate. The processed image files are the masks that underpin all figures throughout the paper, and are labelled corresponding to the panel in which they are visualised, including the peak coordinates of relevant clusters.
Software / Usage instructions
The Excel Spreadsheet can be read using any software that can read xls-type spreadsheets, such as Excel or OpenOffice Calc. The mask files (nii, img and hdr format) can be read by softwares such as MRICron, MRICROGL, or ImageJ, which are all freely available. The matlab-labelled files can be opened using the software MATLAB.
Neurology, Consciousness, Functional Imaging