Research data supporting "Avoidant Coping Style to High Imminence Threat Is Linked to Higher Anxiety-Like Behavior"
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Data of the behavioural scores for all animals on the human intruder test and model snake test in this study. The animal's behaviour was scored after the test from video recordings. Vocalizations were visualized in the form of sonograms for scoring.
The excel file contains three sheets. The first sheet, 'Figure 1' contains all the data used to construct figure 1 of the article. The sex and behavioural scores for animals scored on the human intruder test are stated here. The anxiety-like behaviour factor score derived from the exploratory factor analysis (EFA) is also included.
The second sheet, 'Figure 2' contains all the data used to construct figure 2 of the article. The sex, behavioural scores and corresponding EFA-derived factor scores for coping on the model snake test are stated here.
The final sheet, 'Figure 3' contains the data for figure 3 of the article. The EFA-derived factor scores for animals tested on both human intruder and model snake test are stated here. The coping style group of each animal was determined based on the median active and avoidant coping factor scores from the model snake test. Scores were categorized as high if they were above the median of the population, and low if they were below the median. Animals with high avoidant but low active coping scores were grouped as animals with an avoidant coping style; animals with low avoidant but high active coping scores were grouped as having an active avoidant coping style; and animals with both high avoidant and high active coping scores were grouped as animals with mixed coping styles. Animals with both low avoidant and low active coping scores were classified as being low copers/non-reactive.