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  • ItemOpen AccessAccepted version Peer-reviewed
    Institutions and Populism in the Global South-Lessons for the Brexit-Trump Era
    (Wiley, 2017-06) Wahby, N; Wahby, Noura [0000-0003-2361-8797]
  • ItemOpen AccessAccepted version Peer-reviewed
    Does the Development Discourse Learn from History?
    (Elsevier, 2017) Park, AS; Park, Albert [0000-0002-7450-5568]
    What is the nature and extent of historical awareness in the development discourse? Does the development discourse learn from history, including its own? Set in the contexts of aging development institutions and a changing geopolitical climate, this paper provides one account through a historiographical survey of 136 journal articles across 10 leading development journals. It uncovers a substantial body of works, which offer descriptive histories, derivative lessons, and historiographical critiques. Altogether, they evidence two modes in which the development discourse attempts to learn from history. The first lies in the proactive use of external histories as empirical evidence for a variety of development issues. This is the predominant mode exhibited in the survey. A second mode lies in the use of internal histories of the development discourse, itself. Here, the survey finds a number of noteworthy but largely disparate efforts. This suggests a relative dearth in historiographical self-consciousness for a narrow but influential segment of the development discourse. A number of consequences are considered, ultimately responding to the legitimacy, efficacy, and sustainability of development action. In sum, our survey finds that the mainstream development journal discourse is adept at learning from external histories, but not necessarily from its own. Evidence, however, suggests that it can. A case is made for why it must.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Petrolio e politica nella decolonizzazione Algerina: verso un network energetico Europeo?
    (Éditions littéraires et linguistiques de l’université de Grenoble, 2016-04-20) Musso, Marta
    Le relazioni tra Francia e Italia nella guerra d’Algeria sono state oggetto di diverse analisi storiche; questo lavoro si concentra sul ruolo dell’industria petrolifera nelle relazioni tra i due paesi nel periodo specifico. Le riserve d’idrocarburi algerine furono scoperte nel 1956, due anni dopo l’inizio della guerra. I ritrovamenti ebbero una notevole eco in Francia, e la possibilità di diventare un paese produttore di petrolio rese più urgente il dibattito sull’amministrazione del Sahara e sull’opportunità di aprire le porte alle compagnie straniere. Questa ricerca ha come obiettivo l’esame delle azioni intraprese dalla Francia per la messa a punto di un’industria petrolifera nel Sahara, e le parallele strategie dell’industria petrolifera internazionale per la penetrazione in un nuovo territorio e in un’area contestata. In particolare, l’analisi si concentra sulla strategia dell’Eni, la compagnia di Stato Italiana, che rifiutò apertamente di collaborare con il governo francese per mantenere un atteggiamento pro-arabo. L’articolo punta a ricostruire il dibattito sulle risorse del sottosuolo sahariano, il problema del controllo del territorio e le frizioni tra l’industria petrolifera di Stato europea e le grandi multinazionali americane, nel contesto più ampio della decolonizzazione, dei negoziati per la costruzione dell’Unione Europea e della ricerca di una maggiore indipendenza dagli Stati Uniti. Italian-French relations during the Algerian war have been the subject of thorough historical investigations; this paper concentrates on the hydrocarbon industry and its role in the Algerian decolonization process and in the Italian-French relations. Algerian hydrocarbon reserves were found in 1956, two years after the outbreak of the war. The discovery had a considerable impact in France, where the possibility of becoming an oil exporting country reinvigorated the debate over the management of the Saharan area and on whether (and to which degree) to allow the presence of foreign oil companies in its exploitation. The research aims to investigate the actions taken by the French government for the set-up of an oil industry in the Sahara and the parallel strategies of the international oil industry for the penetration of a new territory in a contented area. In particular, the paper focuses on the Italian State company ENI, which openly refused to collaborate with the French government in order to maintain a pro-Arab approach. This paper aims to reconstruct the debate over the Saharan oil resources, the control over the territory and the frictions between European SOEs and the American oil giants, in the broader contest of decolonization, the negotiations for the construction of the European Union and the research for more independence from the United States.
  • ItemOpen AccessAccepted version Peer-reviewed
    Internationalization within networks: Exploring the relationship between inward and outward FDI in China’s auto components industry
    (Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2017-03) Hertenstein, Peter; Sutherland, Dylan; Anderson, John
    We explore how the outward FDI strategies of Chinese auto component MNCs are shaped by sub-contracting supply relationships established with developed market MNCs. We argue the strong presence of foreign MNC business networks developed through prior inward FDI constitutes an important home country effect influencing the outward FDI strategies of emerging market MNCs. Using the updated internationalization process model, we show how commitment to business networks is a critical mechanism driving the internationalization trajectories of Chinese auto component MNCs. This includes geographic location choices to psychically distant developed markets, strategic asset seeking orientation, pace of internationalisation and entry mode decisions.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Towards a social theory of the firm: Worker cooperatives reconsidered
    (Elsevier BV, 2015-06) Thompson, S
    This paper argues that the predominant economic theories of the firm neglect the importance of cooperation based on trust and loyalty, and that as a result, their criticisms of worker cooperatives are incomplete. While competence-based theories tend to focus exclusively on coordination and thus fail to acknowledge that the development and application of productive knowledge also involves cooperation, contract-based theories cling to a rigid model of behaviour that does not account for the type of cooperation thus involved. Thus, although contract-based theories denigrate cooperatives for failing to achieve cooperation, cooperatives may in fact be more propitiously situated than conventional firms to achieve the cooperation involved in the development and application of productive knowledge. Meanwhile, although competence-based theories imply that cooperatives are incapable of achieving coordination, cooperatives may in fact be more propitiously situated than conventional firms to achieve coordination without incurring potentially adverse effects on cooperation. This ability, however, may be suppressed by a hostile institutional environment, which biases both the options available to individuals and the way they perceive those options against cooperatives. Although inter-cooperative associations can alleviate this institutional bias, they involve structural and cultural obstacles of their own.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Architectural Academic Tourism: Saudi Chronicles or Social Mobility for Women through Architectural Design and Education in Saudi Arabia
    (2014-07-21) Jann, Marga
    This paper is a sequel to a monograph about teaching architecture and design in four ‘divided nations’ (Cyprus, Korea, Uganda, Sri Lanka) and elaborates on a subsequent teaching stint in Saudi Arabia, with a focus on using design for social change--particularly with regard to social mobility for women.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Challenges and Recommendations for ‘Visitors’ Teaching Design in the Developing World towards Sustainable Equitable Futures: Four Divided Nations
    (Centre of Development Studies, University of Cambridge / WAIS, 2012) Jann, Marga
    The four arenas of architectural and design education explored in this paper are Sri Lanka, Korea, Cyprus, and Uganda, each of which graciously welcomed the author's teaching and research for a year or so as Visiting Professor. The study attempts to pave the way for further exhaustive international exchange and cooperation in the design arts towards long-term poverty reduction and sustainable development, with a focus on challenges and recommendations for "visiting" design critics.