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Research Matters 12


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  • ItemOpen AccessPublished version Peer-reviewed
    Research Matters 12: June 2011
    (Research Division, Cambridge University Press & Assessment, 2011-06-01) Green, Sylvia
    Research Matters is a free biannual publication which allows Cambridge University Press & Assessment to share its assessment research, in a range of fields, with the wider assessment community. 
  • ItemOpen AccessPublished version Peer-reviewed
    The effect of changing component grade boundaries on the assessment outcome in GCSEs and A levels
    (Research Division, Cambridge University Press & Assessment, 2011-06-01) Bramley, Tom; Dhawan, Vikas
    GCSE and A level assessments are graded examinations, where grade boundaries are set on the raw mark scale of each of the units/components comprising the assessment. These boundaries are then aggregated in a particular way depending on the type of assessment to produce the overall grades for the assessment. This article reports a simple 'sensitivity analysis' determining the effect on assessment grade boundaries of varying the (judgementally set) key grade boundaries on the units/components by +-1 mark. Two assessments with different structures were used - a tiered 'linear' GCSE, and a 6-unit 'modular' A level.
  • ItemOpen AccessPublished version Peer-reviewed
    Practical issues in early implementation of the Diploma Principal Learning
    (Research Division, Cambridge University Press & Assessment, 2011-06-01) Crisp, Vicki; Green, Sylvia
    This short article reports on some of the findings from an interview study conducted in the first year of implementation of the 14-19 Diplomas. The Diplomas were introduced by the Labour government as part of wider educational reforms (DfES, 2005a, 2005b). They were designed to prepare young people for the world of work or for independent study, and are intended to combine theoretical and applied learning, to provide different ways of learning, to encourage students to develop skills valued by employers and universities, and provide opportunities for students to apply skills to work situations in realistic contexts. They are also intended to contribute to ensuring that a wide range of appropriate learning pathways are available to young people, thus facilitating increased participation and attainment. The Diplomas are available at Levels 1, 2 and 3 and rather than being taught by an individual school or college, they are available through consortia consisting of a small group of schools and/or colleges working collaboratively. The Diploma is a composite qualification which is made up of the following elements: principal learning; generic learning; additional and specialist learning. The current research focused on the Principal Learning (PL). The Principal Learning components are specific to a domain or 'line of learning'. Learning through experience of simulated or real work contexts, through applying and practically developing skills, as well as theoretical learning, is emphasised. The PL components are assessed predominantly via assignments which are internally marked and externally moderated. Teaching of Diplomas in the first five 'lines of learning' began in September 2008 with a further five beginning in September 2009 and four in September 2010. Six consortia running Phase 1 Diplomas in the first year of implementation took part in this research. At each consortium, one or more teachers and (in all but one case) a number of learners were interviewed about the learning that was occurring and various practicalities around implementation of the Diploma. This article reports on the latter.
  • ItemOpen AccessPublished version Peer-reviewed
    Lessons from the past: An overview of the issues raised on the 1911 'Report of the Consultative Committee on Examinations in Secondary Schools'
    (Research Division, Cambridge University Press & Assessment, 2011-06-01) Elliott, Gill
    This article celebrates the 100th anniversary of the publication 'Examinations in Secondary Schools' by reviewing its contents in the light of issues faced in present day. Ten key issues were identified from the 1911 report, nearly all of which are still subject to current debate. A huge wealth of detail in the 1911 report makes for extremely interesting reading alongside records from recent times. Tracing the outcomes of decisions made into policy and practice, with the benefit of hindsight, can provide an illuminating source of evidence to add to current educational debate.
  • ItemOpen AccessPublished version Peer-reviewed
    Evaluating the CRAS framework: Development and recommendations
    (Research Division, Cambridge University Press & Assessment, 2011-06-01) Johnson, Martin; Mehta, Sanjana
    This article reviews conceptual issues surrounding comparisons of demand through a critical evaluation of the CRAS (Complexity-Resources-Abstractness-Strategy) framework (Pollitt, Hughes, Ahmed, Fisher-Hoch and Bramley, 1998). The article outlines the origins of the CRAS framework in the scale of cognitive demand (Edwards and Dall'Alba, 1981). The characteristics of the CRAS framework are then outlined, with attention being drawn to the assumptions that underlie these characteristic features. The article culminates in a set of recommendations and guidance that are relevant for potential users of the CRAS framework.
  • ItemOpen AccessPublished version Peer-reviewed
    Evaluating Senior Examiners' use of Item Level Data
    (Research Division, Cambridge University Press & Assessment, 2011-06-01) Shiell, Hannah; Raikes, Nick
    Many of Cambridge Assessment's written examination scripts are now scanned and marked on screen by examiners working on computers. One benefit arising from on-screen marking is that the marks are captured at item or question-part level and are available for analysis in Cambridge within hours of being submitted by examiners. Cambridge Assessment now routinely analyses these item marks and provides subject staff and senior examiners with reports containing Item Level Data (ILD) for nearly all examinations marked on screen. In this article, we present findings from an evaluation of senior CIE and OCR examiners' use of these Item Level Data reports.
  • ItemOpen AccessPublished version Peer-reviewed
    Developing a research tool for comparing qualifications
    (Research Division, Cambridge University Press & Assessment, 2011-06-01) Greatorex, Jackie; Mehta, Sanjana; Rushton, Nicky; Hopkin, Rebecca; Shiell, Hannah
    Comparability studies about qualification standards generally use demand or candidates' performance as comparators. However, these can be unrepresentative for vocational and new qualifications. Consequently, other comparators need to be used. This article details the process of devising and piloting a research instrument to compare the features of cognate units from diverse qualifications and subjects. First, knowledge was elicited from twelve experts through Kelly's repertory grid interviews where they were asked to compare different types of qualifications. This data was analysed thematically. Four features and several sub-features were identified. These features were used to categorise the interview data and develop the research instrument. A pilot of the instrument indicated that salient features varied between units. Therefore, the instrument is suitable for use in future comparability studies about features. However, conventions still need to be agreed for how to analyse the data that is collected using the instrument.
  • ItemOpen AccessPublished version Peer-reviewed
    An American University Case Study Approach to Predictive Validity: Exploring the issues
    (Research Division, Cambridge University Press & Assessment, 2011-06-01) Shaw, Stuart; Bailey, Claire
    Predictive validity entails the comparison of test scores with some other measure for the same candidates taken some time after the test has been given. For tests that are used for university selection purposes, it is vital to demonstrate predictive validity. The research reported here uses data collected from three cohorts of students enrolled at Florida State University. The data includes information about each student's performance at high school, ethnicity, gender and first year GPA. Multilevel modelling has been applied to the data using the statistical software package MLwiN to investigate the relationships between the variables, and in particular to determine which are the best indicators of academic success at university, whilst taking into account the effects of individual high schools. Issues relating to choice of predictive and university success measures, intervening variables, controlling for selection bias, data and measurement, and choice of research model are discussed in the context of one American university.