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22nd Cambridge International Manufacturing Symposium 2018

Supply chain transformation enabled by advanced technologies: Implications for producers, consumers and society [27-28 September 2018]

How are advanced technologies transforming supply chains? Interactions between producers, consumers and society are rapidly changing, shaken up by a plethora of emerging technologies. For example, we have seen the use of smartphones driving a new e-commerce model; or within manufacturing we have seen how the Internet of Things can support intelligent automation. Beyond the initial hype around 3D printing we are now witnessing real world applications, from large but lightweight structures in aerospace, to small, complex medical devices and instruments.

What are the implications for supply chains, and how do companies need to adapt and develop their capabilities? And what are the considerations for consumers and wider society?

The 2018 Symposium provided an opportunity to discuss and explore these issues. It is a unique event that brings together senior industrialists and leading academics to share their approaches and experiences.

For further information on the annual Cambridge International Manufacturing Symposium, please visit the website here.


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