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Low-Temperature Growth of Carbon Nanotube Forests Consisting of Tubes with Narrow Inner Spacing Using Co/Al/Mo Catalyst on Conductive Supports.

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Sugime, Hisashi 
Esconjauregui, Santiago 
D'Arsié, Lorenzo 
Yang, Junwei 
Robertson, Alex W 


We grow dense carbon nanotube forests at 450 °C on Cu support using Co/Al/Mo multilayer catalyst. As a partial barrier layer for the diffusion of Co into Mo, we apply very thin Al layer with the nominal thickness of 0.50 nm between Co and Mo. This Al layer plays an important role in the growth of dense CNT forests, partially preventing the Co-Mo interaction. The forests have an average height of ∼300 nm and a mass density of 1.2 g cm(-3) with tubes exhibiting extremely narrow inner spacing. An ohmic behavior is confirmed between the forest and Cu support with the lowest resistance of ∼8 kΩ. The forest shows a high thermal effusivity of 1840 J s(-0.5) m(-2) K(-1), and a thermal conductivity of 4.0 J s(-1) m(-1) K(-1), suggesting that these forests are useful for heat dissipation devices.



catalyst nanoparticles, chemical vapor deposition, cocatalyst, low-temperature growth, sputtering, thermal conductivity, thermal effusivity

Journal Title

ACS Appl Mater Interfaces

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American Chemical Society (ACS)
European Research Council (279361)
This work has been funded by the European projects Technotubes and Grafol. H.S. acknowledges a research fellowship from the Japanese Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS).