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The geometry and representation theory of superconformal quantum mechanics



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Singleton, Andrew John 


We study aspects of the quantum mechanics of nonlinear σ-models with superconformal invariance. The connection between the differential geometry of the target manifold and symmetries of the quantum mechanics is explored, resulting in a classification of spaces admitting N=(n,n) superconformal invariance with n=1,2,4. We construct the corresponding superalgberas su(1,1|1), u(1,1|2) and osp(4∗|4) explicitly. The low-energy dynamics of Yang-Mills instantons is an example of the latter and arises naturally in the discrete light-cone quantisation (DLCQ) of certain superconformal field theories. In particular, we study in some detail the quantum mechanics arising in the DLCQ of the six-dimensional (2,0) theory and four-dimensional N=4 SUSY Yang-Mills.

In the (2,0) case we carry out a detailed study of the representation theory of the light-cone superalgebra osp(4∗|4). We give a complete classification of the unitary irreducible representations and their branching at the unitarity bound, and use this information to construct the superconformal index for osp(4∗|4). States contribute to the index if and only if they are in the cohomology of a particular supercharge, which we identify as the L2 Dolbeault cohomology of instanton moduli space with values in a real line bundle.

In the SUSY Yang-Mills case the target space is the Coulomb branch of an elliptic quiver gauge theory, and as such is a scale-invariant special Kähler manifold. We describe a new type of σ-model with N=(4,4) superconformal symmetry and U(1)×SO(6) R-symmetry which exists on any such manifold. These models exhibit su(1,1|4) invariance and we give an explicit construction of the superalgebra in terms of known functions. Consideration of the spectral problem for the dilatation operator in these models leads to a deformation which we interpret, via an extension of the moduli space approximation, as an anti-self-dual spacetime magnetic field coupling to the topological instanton current.






Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

Awarding Institution

University of Cambridge