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Mechanistic basis of an epistatic interaction reducing age at onset in hereditary spastic paraplegia

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Newton, T 
Allison, R 
Edgar, JR 
Lumb, JH 
Rodger, CE 


Many genetic neurological disorders exhibit variable expression within affected families, often exemplified by variations in disease age at onset. Epistatic effects (i.e. effects of modifier genes on the disease gene) may underlie this variation, but the mechanistic basis for such epistatic interactions is rarely understood. Here we report a novel epistatic interaction between SPAST and the contiguous gene DPY30, which modifies age at onset in hereditary spastic paraplegia, a genetic axonopathy. We found that patients with hereditary spastic paraplegia caused by genomic deletions of SPAST that extended into DPY30 had a significantly younger age at onset. We show that, like spastin, the protein encoded by SPAST, the DPY30 protein controls endosomal tubule fission, traffic of mannose 6-phosphate receptors from endosomes to the Golgi, and lysosomal ultrastructural morphology. We propose that additive effects on this pathway explain the reduced age at onset of hereditary spastic paraplegia in patients who are haploinsufficient for both genes.



axonopathy, histone methyltransferase, epistasis, endosomal tubule fission, lysosome

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Oxford University Press
Medical Research Council (MR/M00046X/1)
Wellcome Trust (082381/Z/07/A)
Tom Wahlig Stiftung (unknown)
Spastic Paraplegia Foundation (RFP2014)
Wellcome Trust (100140/Z/12/Z)
Wellcome Trust (082381/Z/07/Z)
Wellcome Trust (086598/Z/08/Z)
Wellcome Trust (093026/Z/10/Z)
This work was supported by grants to E.R.; Project Grant from United States Spastic Paraplegia Foundation, UK Medical Research Council Project Grant [MR/M00046X/1], Project grant from NIHR Biomedical Research Centre at Addenbrooke’s Hospital, Wellcome Trust Senior Research Fellowship in Clinical Science [082381], Project Grant from Tom Wahlig Stiftung (project 33). J.E. and P.M. are supported by a Wellcome Trust Principal Research Fellowship Grant to Margaret S. Robinson [086598]. T.M.N. was supported by an MRC PhD studentship [G0800117]. B.W. is supported by the Tom Wahlig Advanced Fellowship, the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF, 01GQ113), the Bavarian Ministry of Education and Culture, Sciences and Arts in the framework of the Bavarian Molecular Biosystems Research Network and ForIPS, and the Interdisciplinary Centre for Clinical Research (IZKF, University Hospital of Erlangen, N3 and F3). T.R. was supported by research grant DFG GRK2162/1 of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft. The study was also supported by the European Union within the 7th European Community Framework Program for Research and Technological Development through funding for the NEUROMICS network (F5-2012-305121 to L.S. and A.D.), the E-Rare Network NEUROLIPID (01GM1408B to R.S. and ANR-13-RARE-0003-02 to G.S.), and a Marie Curie International Outgoing Fellowship (grant PIOF-GA-2012-326681 to R.S. and L.S.). This work was further supported by the US National Institutes of Health (NIH) (grant 5R01NS072248 to R.S.), the German HSP-Selbsthilfegruppe e.V. (grant to R.S. and L.S.), and grants to C.B.: Project Grant from Tom Wahlig Stiftung (project 20), grant from the Stiftung für Pathobiochemie und Molekulare Diagnostik. CIMR is supported by a Wellcome Trust Strategic Award [100140] and Equipment Grant [093026].