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Mitochondrial ADP/ATP Carrier in Dodecylphosphocholine Binds Cardiolipins with Non-native Affinity

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Dehez, F 
Schanda, P 
Kunji, Edmund RS 
Chipot, C 


Biophysical investigation of membrane proteins generally requires their extraction from native sources using detergents, a step that can lead, possibly irreversibly, to protein denaturation. The propensity of docecylphosphocholine (DPC), a detergent widely utilized in NMR studies of membrane proteins, to distort their structure has been the subject of much controversy. It has been recently proposed that the binding specificity of the yeast mitochondrial ADP/ATP carrier (yAAC3) toward cardiolipins (CLs) is preserved in DPC, thereby suggesting that DPC is a suitable environment to study membrane proteins. In this communication, we used all-atom molecular dynamics simulations to investigate the specific binding of CLs to yAAC3. Our data demonstrate that the interaction interface observed in a native-like environment differs markedly from that inferred from an NMR investiga- tion in DPC, implying that in this detergent, the protein structure is distorted. We further investigated yAAC3 solubilized in DPC and in the milder dodecylmaltoside with thermal-shift assays. The loss of thermal transition observed in DPC confirms that the protein is no longer properly folded in this environment.



Journal Title

Biophysical Journal

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Biophysical Society

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Medical Research Council (MC_U105663139)
Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BB/R50564X/1)
Medical Research Council (MC_UU_00015/1)