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Enhancing Cultural Heritage in an Impact Assessment Process: Analysis of Experiences from the UK World Heritage Sites



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Vakhitova, Tatiana Vadimovna   ORCID logo


This three-year PhD study looks at heritage performance in impact assessment (IA) practices, analysing the urban planning context and management experiences of selected urban World Heritage (WH) sites in the UK. The research develops recommendations for assessing the impact of plans, programmes and projects on heritage values in culturally significant urban areas with the emphasis on Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) and Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) of large-scale projects in an urban environment. The research analyses theoretical and empirical approaches to heritage management, investigates methodologies for heritage IA and explores opportunities for and barriers to improved heritage IA in the context of current UK policy. In particular, the research contributes with the conceptual framework of identification, interpretation and management of the cultural heritage in the urban planning system. The review of academic and other relevant literature helped to develop the conceptual framework. The data was collected by means of desk-based documents analysis, case studies, focus-group seminars and an on-line Questionnaire with the experts in the heritage and IA fields. The world’s most well-known and arguably most protected sites with officially identified Outstanding Universal Value – WH sites – provide general lessons for the heritage management and IA of new developments and infrastructure projects. The management of UK WH sites could be said to have the features of what is known as a values-based approach to conservation. This approach emphasises the identification of cultural heritage significance with the early participation of different stakeholders in the planning process; the latter has a scope for improvement in the UK context. Research on the boundaries of the heritage and IA fields leads to an improved understanding of cultural heritage and provides a framework for the IA process. The developed framework and the criteria for an enabling environment could be useful for achieving agreement between the different stakeholders, and could allow a smoother planning decision-making process, leading in turn to a reduced need for monitoring from international bodies. The results are useful for planners and developers in the context of western practice, and could also be relevant to the development of international guidelines.


Dr Theo Hacking, Dr Minna Sunikka-Blank, and Dr Pereira-Rogers were supervisor and advisors respectively for the first approximately one and a half years.

The International Association of Impact Assessment offered discounted participation at the two international conferences and invited me to represent its heritage division at the UNESCO meeting in Paris. Cambridge City Council, Cambridge Colleges, and Centre for Research in the Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities helped a lot with funding for the seminars organisation. English Heritage representatives, Historic Scotland, Bath World Heritage coordinator, and Edinburgh World Heritage Trust and Edinburgh City Council people were very supportive.

My friends and colleagues from the Centre for Sustainable Development, GreenBRIDGE Society and elsewhere in Cambridge University were a great support on this PhD journey.




Guthrie , Peter


Heritage, Sustainability, Values, Cultural Landscape, Heritage Management, Social and Environmental Impact Assessment, Urban Planning, World Heritage Sites, Heritage Impact Assessment, Strategic Environmental Assessment, Outstanding Universal Value, Values-based conservation, Cultural Heritage Significance, Stakeholder engagmeent


Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

Awarding Institution

University of Cambridge
Cambridge Overseas Trust Department of Engineering Centre for Sustainable Development at the University of Cambridge Darwin College