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Frontispiece from Niccolò Tartaglia, Nova scientia, Venice: Stephano da Sabio, 1537. The new science of this work deals with the fundamental mathematics of ballistics. The work is divided into two parts, the first dealing with both practical and theoretical ballistics and the second with military survey problems. In this frintispiece, Euclid greets the students at the outer gate of the circle in which Tartaglia is surrounded by Arithmetic, Geometry, Music, Astronomy, Astrology, etc. — the mathematical disciplines. A fired cannon and a mortar show the trajectories defined by Tartaglia. In the farther circle sits Philosophy. Beneath the scroll in Plato's hand, reading ‘None not expert in Geometry may enter here’, Aristotle moves forward to welcome the students.” - Top:  "Aurum probatur igni, et ingenium mathematicis" [Gold is tested by fire, and the ingenium by mathematicals]

Bottom:  "Disciplinae mathematicae loquuntur.  Qui cupitis Rerum varias cognoscere causas Discite nos: Cunctas hac patet una via."

"The mathematical disciplines speak: You who want to learn the causes of things, Learn from us: One path lays all things open."


Ingenuity: Ingenium, Ingenuity: Genius, Ingenuity: Ingegno, Ingenuity: Genio, Euclid, Mathematics, Cannon, Mortar, Fortifications

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