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Rapid local adaptation linked with phenotypic plasticity.

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Catherall, Andrew M 
Pascoal, Sonia 
Jarrett, Benjamin JM 


Models of "plasticity-first" evolution are attractive because they explain the rapid evolution of new complex adaptations. Nevertheless, it is unclear whether plasticity can facilitate rapid microevolutionary change between diverging populations. Here, we show how plasticity may have generated adaptive differences in fecundity between neighboring wild populations of burying beetles Nicrophorus vespilloides. These populations occupy distinct Cambridgeshire woodlands that are just 2.5 km apart and that probably originated from a common ancestral population about 1000-4000 years ago. We find that populations are divergently adapted to breed on differently sized carrion. Adaptive differences in clutch size and egg size are associated with divergence at loci connected with oogenesis. The populations differ specifically in the elevation of the reaction norm linking clutch size to carrion size (i.e., genetic accommodation), and in the likelihood that surplus offspring will be lost after hatching. We suggest that these two processes may have facilitated rapid local adaptation on a fine-grained spatial scale.



Burying beetles, Nicrophorus vespilloides, interspecific competition, local adaptation, niche expansion, phenotypic plasticity, plasticity‐led evolution

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Evol Lett

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Oxford University Press (OUP)


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European Research Council (310785)
The Royal Society (wm140111)
Taiwan Cambridge Scholarship from the Cambridge Commonwealth, European & International Trust. Natural Environment Research Council’s Earth System Sciences Doctoral Training Partnership at Cambridge University; Victoria Brahm Schild Internship Grant from Homerton College. European Research Council Consolidator’s grant 301785 BALDWINIAN_BEETLES; Wolfson Merit Award from the Royal Society.