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A repository of data related to the manuscript titled "Distributed Abstraction and Verification of an Installed Optical Fiber Network"

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Yan, Shuangyi 
Galdino, Lidia 
Wang, Rui 
Elson, Daniel 


A repository of data related to the manuscript titled "Distributed Abstraction and Verification of an Installed Optical Fiber Network"

A joint experiment between the University of Cambridge, University of Bristol and UCL to abstract the transmission performance of part of the national dark fibre facility.

MATLAB file TRx_Calbrations.m reports the receiver calibration phase. excel file RawLoopBackResults_Dec2018_v1.xlsx contains the reported results for the abstraction probing phase from each partner. excel file Summary_for_Partners_v3.xlsx summaries the abstraction phase and reports the verification results.


The authors acknowledge funding support from the UK EPSRC (through the project INSIGHT EP/L026155/2 and the programme TRANSNET EP/R035342/1), the UK Royal Academy of Engineering under the Research Fellowships scheme and the EU H2020 project(Metro-Haul,761727), equipment from Ciena and Facebook and use of the UK EPSRC National Dark Fibre Facility, EP/S028854/1.



Software / Usage instructions

Microsoft Excel Mathworks MATLAB


Optical Fibre Network, Optical Communications


Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EP/L026155/2)
The authors acknowledge funding support from the UK EPSRC (through the project INSIGHT EP/L026155/2 and the programme TRANSNET EP/R035342/1), the UK Royal Academy of Engineering under the Research Fellowships scheme and the EU H2020 project(Metro-Haul,761727), equipment from Ciena and Facebook and use of the UK EPSRC National Dark Fibre Facility, NS/A000021/1.