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Research data supporting "Synthesis and Characterisation of Biocompatible Organic- Inorganic Core-Shell Nanocomposite Particles based on Ureasils"

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Meazzini, Ilaria 
Comby, Steve 
Richards, Kieran 
Withers, Aimee 
Turquet, Xavier 


The folder “figure 3” contains dynamic light scattering data for CSNP’s made using method B showing the evolution of the hydrodynamic diameter, polydispersity and PDI as a function of time. The data points are an average of three values obtained for the samples. The folder “figure 4” contains tapping-mode AFM images of the CSNPs. (1,3) and (2,4) represent the same scale. (1,2) are height contrast images, whereas (3,4) are phase contrast images. The folder “figure 5” contains dynamic light scattering data for CSNPs made using method C (TEOS addition rate 60 µL/60mins and 10mM NH4OH solution) showing hydrodynamic diameter and polydispersity. The folder “figure 6” contains emission spectra for (a) Py@CSNPs and Py in water and ethanol (2.5x10-5 mol L-1) with (ex = 335nm), (c) C154 and C153@CSNPs after dialysis with (ex = 420 nm), (d) FITC@CSNPs before and after dialysis (ex = 465 nm). Also included is (b) I3/I1 ratio for Py@CSNPs over time and normalized intensity of the emission maximum of the excimer emission. The folder “figure 7” contains fluorescence microscopy images of a live/dead cell assay of HEK293 cells exposed to ureasil CSNPS for concentrations 0.001-1 mg/ml for 24 h. The folder “figure S2” contains dynamic light scattering data for CSNPs made using method A. Samples were prepared on different days. A correlogram and size distribution are given. The folder “figure S3” contains data showing the change in hydrodynamic diameter and polydispersity, recorder for CSNP’s mad using method A, with respect to time. Measurements were made using dynamic light scattering. The folder “figure S5” contains dynamic light scattering data showing the change in nanoparticle size and polydispersity for CSNPs prepared using method C. Samples differ by base concentration and TEOS addition rate. The folder “figure S6” contains I3/I1 fluorescence intensity ratios for pyrene in water/ethanol mixtures at different volume percentage of water (dye conc. = 2.5 × 10-5 mol L-1). λex = 335 nm. The folder “figure S7” contains normalized absorption, emission (λex = 420 nm) and excitation (λem = 550 nm) spectra of C153 in water and upon incorporation into CSNPs. (dye conc. = 3.6 × 10-5 mol L-1). The folder “figure S8” contains dynamic light scattering data showing the change in nanoparticle size and polydispersity for APTES and FTIC doped CSNPs. The folder “figure S9” contains time-resolved fluorescence data for FNa and FITC@CSNPs before and after dialysis. Also given are data fits with weighted residuals and instrument response functions.


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Nanoparticles, Polymers, Hybrid Materials, Composites

