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Numerical lnvestigation of Disturbance Environments in Low Pressure Turbines



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Sengupta, Aditi 


Using a series of direct numerical simulations, the individual and cumulative effects of various disturbance environments existing in a low pressure turbine (LPT) are investigated. In particular, the effects of free-stream turbulence (FST), unsteady wakes, roughness and blade oscillations on the separation-induced transition on the suction surface of a low pressure turbine blade are analyzed. Two configurations are considered: (i) a flat plate subjected to streamwise pressure gradient representative of the suction surface of a low pressure turbine blade, (ii) a flat plate subjected to a convecting free-stream vortex of fixed strength and at a fixed height over the plate. The first configuration represents the ‘ultra high-lift’ blades for the next generation low pressure turbine. The local pressure gradient induced by the convecting vortex in the second configuration is representative of the adverse pressure gradient on the suction surface of a low pressure turbine blade. The results are validated against existing experimental or numerical data and it is demonstrated that the numerical framework has captured most of the phenomena to a reasonable level of accuracy. A kernel experiment for bypass transition is simulated for the vortex-induced instability. The effect of the convection speed and strength of the vortex are discussed and the paths of transition adopted are distinguished.

At low disturbance levels, the transition to turbulence is primarily due to the breakdown of ‘Kelvin-Helmholtz’ roll up vortices. In the presence of aeroelastic blade oscillations, unsteady wakes, free-stream turbulence and roughness, transition takes the bypass route and the results show evidence of streamwise streaks. These streaks impart spanwise waviness to the separated shear layer and cause early destabilisation. The blade oscillation has an effect in reducing the separated region and hence, the profile loss, which is further accentuated in the presence of free-stream turbulence. A blade fluctuating at higher reduced frequency is found to be more effective in shrinking the separation region. Blade vibration is found to increase the level of pre-transitional fluctuations, without having a significant influence on the growth beyond separation. There is a cumulative effect in suppressing the separation region when blade oscillation and free-stream turbulence are studied in conjunction, although the additional effect of free-stream turbulence is marginal. A secondary separation bubble, noted in the unperturbed flow, is reduced in size with blade oscillation and further reduced in the presence of free-stream turbulence.

The vortex-induced instability has been proposed to be a unit process of free-stream turbulence, the effect of which is studied in the presence of a discrete roughness element (similar in functionality to a trip wire). The roughness element triggers early transition by destabilizing the mean flow. Streaks are observed in the presence of the convecting and rotating cylinder, generating a vortex of fixed strength, and are enhanced by the presence of roughness in the pre-transitional zone. Enhanced spanwise waviness is noted with the roughness, leading to earlier breakdown to turbulence. The route of transition and the origin of three-dimensionality marked by the prominence of the vortex stretching is shown. An optimum range of convection speeds of the free-stream vortex is obtained and the maximum receptivity is noted at a speed of 0.386, which concurs with prior experiments on a periodic convecting vortex (Kendall, 1987).

The unsteady wake has a direct effect on the velocity profile. A lag is noted between the wake passing and transition. While the wake convects at the local free-stream velocity, its impression in the boundary layer convects much slower, between 50% and 70% of the local free-stream velocity. Both unsteady wakes and blade oscillation promote near-wall mixing. The unsteady wakes and blade oscillations have a conjunctive effect on reducing the size of separation bubble. The secondary separation bubble observed in the unperturbed flow is reduced with the presence of wakes and is completely suppressed with the addition of the blade oscillation. Turbulent kinetic energy production increases with increasing perturbation levels, with the maximum effect seen for the combination of wakes and oscillation.

A receptivity method based on disturbance enstrophy transport equation (DETE) is proposed. The disturbance enstrophy is evaluated as the difference between the instantaneous and mean enstrophies, and while these are positive definite quantities, the difference may not be so. This aspect of disturbance enstrophy has been used meaningfully to obtain new information about the flow instability, such as segmenting regions of flow instabilities into those dictated by positive growth rates of disturbance enstrophy, and those due to its negative counterpart. The positive growth rates are associated with large scale coherence in the free-stream whereas the negative growth rates are found to be arising in near-wall viscous structures (Sengupta et al., 2019a,b). The extension of this method to structure detection and comparison against existing vortex identification methods, indicates the ability of the DETE method to capture small-scale structures induced by the viscous term of the Navier- Stokes equation. DETE has been used for the two configurations operating with varying perturbation levels and valuable insight pertaining to the flow dynamics has been attained with respect to its budget terms. In particular, the role of vortex stretching in leading the flow to three-dimensionality is highlighted.

The global and local spatio-temporal receptivity analysis of flows perturbed by plate oscillations, wakes and free-stream excitation yields a spatio-temporal wave front to be the causal mechanism for flow transition. This is essentially representative of the nonmodal part of the disturbance spectrum. While this flow instability has already been established for geophysical flows such as tsunami and other fluid dynamical problems such as for zero pressure gradient boundary layer formed over a semi-infinite flat plate excited from inside the shear layer, its role for pressure gradient dominated flows (such as in LPTs) is shown for the first time. The importance of nonlinearity and its dispersion effects is shown, specifically for flows excited at the free stream, even when the onset of disturbances follows a linear mechanism. The need for using a global, nonlinear, spatio-temporal setup is established in order to capture all pertinent flow physics.





Garcia-Mayoral, Ricardo
Tucker, Paul


Turbomachinery, Transition, Free-stream excitation, Pressure Gradient Dominated Flows, Low Pressure Turbine, Oscillations


Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

Awarding Institution

University of Cambridge
Cambridge India Ramanujan Scholarship