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Research data supporting Dual-Template Approach to Hierarchically Porous Polymer Membranes

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Southern, Thomas JF 
Evans, Rachel Claire  ORCID logo


‘Fig 3’ contains images (optical and SEM) of control membranes using only F127 as an additive as well as PABA containing images. ‘Fig 4’ contains images (optical and SEM) of membranes prior to and after PABA removal. ‘Fig 5’ contains the text file ‘beer-lambert’. This file shows the maximum absorbance and concentration used to create the beer-lambert plot. This folder also contains UV Vis absorption data of eluent ethanol that samples were stored in. Samples 162 contained PABA. Samples 164 did not contain PABA. txt files give data in the form wavelength (nm), absorption. ‘Conc_calc’ file includes the calculation performed to determine concentration of the eluent. ‘Fig 6’ contains contact angle data for control, PABA containing and membranes PABA has been removed from in the form of csv files of the samples used for analysis in the form absolute time (s), relative time (s), frame number, contact angle (degrees) as the first 4 columns. ‘d’ suffix denotes the dull side of the sample. ‘s’ suffix denotes the shiny side of the sample. JPEG images of the samples are also included. ‘Permeability’ contains the data from flow-rate experiments and pore size measurements in a text file. Data are listed as given as follows: Sample Name, Permeability Experiment Run 1 (mlmin-1), Permeability Experiment Run 2 (mlmin-1), Permeability Experiment Run 3 (mlmin-1), Average flow rate from permeability experiments (mlmin-1), Error in average (mlmin-1), Sample thickness (μm), Test Area (mm2), Permeability (m-2), Permeability Error (m-2), Flow rate (l/m2h), Flowrate Error (l/m2h), Pore sizes (nm) 1-50, Pore size average (nm), Pore size average error (nm). Text and csv files can be opened with any text editor. PNG or JPEG or TIFF files can be opened with any imaging editor.


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Text files can be opened with any text editor. PNG or JPEG files can be opened with any imaging editor


Ultrafiltration membrane, polyethersulfone, non-solvent induced phase separation, templating

