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Data in support of "Lack of effect of propranolol on the reconsolidation of conditioned fear memory due to a failure to engage memory destabilisation"

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Rotondo, Federico 
Biddle, Kathryn 
Chen, John 
Ferencik, Josh 
d'Esneval, Mathilde 


Research data in support of publication. There are two files: one containing the dataset, and a metadata file explaining the organisation of the spreadsheets.

The dataset contains behavioural data (conditioned freezing scores) that were quantified manually by an experimenter blind to experimental condition. Rats underwent pavlovian fear conditioning, a brief memory reminder session, and two tests of long-term memory. Freezing was quantified during the conditioning session (prior to presentation of the conditioned stimulus and during presentation of the conditioned stimulus), during the reminder session (before and during presentation of the conditioned stimulus) and during the test sessions (before and during presentation of the conditioned stimulus).

Also within the dataset are the quantification of pan-Shank bands as measured through western blots, normalised to expression of the control protein beta-actin.


Software / Usage instructions

Microsoft Excel (.xlsx) and Microsoft Word (.docx)


pavlovian conditioned fear, memory, reconsolidation, Shank, rat


Medical Research Council (MR/N02530X/1)