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Research data supporting "Extracting Decay-Rate Ratios from Photoluminescence Quantum Efficiency Measurements in Optoelectronic Semiconductors"

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Bowman, al 
Macpherson, Stuart 
Abfalterer, Anna 
Frohna, Kyle 


For full experimental details please refer to main publication. All figures describe methylammonium lead iodide samples. ‘Figure 1’ includes: photoluminescence quantum efficiency at different laser intensities and associated fit (tab 1), ln of time resolved photoluminescence counts as a function of time (tab 2), the initial time resolved photoluminescence counts as a function of initial excitation density (tab 3) and extracted first order decay rates for sample 1 and 2 (tab 4). ‘Figure 2’ includes: inverse excitation density as a function of time, as measured in transient absorption spectroscopy, associated fit, and raw DT/T data (tab 1), and extracted second order decay rates from both photoluminescence quantum efficiency/time resolved photoluminescence and transient absorption spectroscopy for four samples (tab 2). ‘Figure 3’ includes: spread of decay rate and ratio of radiative rate ratios extracted from microscopic photoluminescence quantum efficiency measurements at the microscale (tab 1), measured and predicted photoluminescence quantum efficiency for sample 1 and 2 (tab 2) and ratio of total to radiative second order rate for all four samples (tab 3). ‘Figure 4’ includes: predicted current voltage curves for a measured sample, with a range of decay rate conditions (tab 1) and efficiency as a function of first order rate and ratio of radiative to total second order rate (tab 2).


Software / Usage instructions

All data is in readily available .csv format, which can be viewed using most spreadsheet programs or text editors. If any issues please contact


Optoelectronic, solar cells, recombination, spectroscopy


A.R.B. acknowledges funding from a Winton Studentship, Oppenheimer Studentship, and the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) Centre for Doctoral Training in Photovoltaics (CDT-PV). A.R.B. thanks Luis Pazos-Outon for supplying absorption coefficients for MAPbI3 solar cells. S.M. acknowledges support from an EPSRC Studentship. A.A. thanks the Royal Society for funding. K.F. acknowledges a George and Lilian Schiff Studentship, Winton Studentship, the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) studentship, Cambridge Trust Scholarship, and Robert Gardiner Scholarship. S.N. would like to acknowledge Royal Society-SERB Newton International Fellowship for funding. S.D.S. acknowledges the Royal Society and Tata Group (UF150033) and the EPSRC (EP/R023980/1, EP/T02030X/1, EP/S030638/1)