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The Limited Palette for Photonic Block-Copolymer Materials: A Historical Problem or a Practical Limitation?

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Block-copolymer self-assembly has proven to be an effective route for the fabrication of photonic films and, more recently, photonic pigments. However, despite extensive research on this topic over the past two decades, the palette of monomers and polymers employed to produce such structurally colored materials has remained surprisingly limited. In this Scientific Perspective, the commonly used block-copolymer systems reported in the literature are summarized (considering both linear and brush architectures) and their use is rationalized from the point of view of both their historical development and physicochemical constraints. Finally, the current challenges facing the field are discussed and promising new areas of research are highlighted to inspire the community to pursue new directions.



Block-Copolymers, Mesophases, Nanostructures, Photonic Crystals, Self-Assembly

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Angew Chem Weinheim Bergstr Ger

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Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BB/K014617/1)
Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EP/N016920/1)
BBSRC (BB/V00364X/1)
The European Research Council [ERC-2014-STG H2020639088; ERC-2017-POC 790518], the Biotechnology and Biological Science Research Council [BBSRC David Phillips Fellowship BB/K014617/1; BB/V00364X/1], the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council [EPSRC EP/N016920/1; EP/R511675/1], the Royal Society [IE160420], a CSC Cambridge Scholarship, a Croucher Cambridge International Scholarship.
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