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Research data supporting [Design of step-graded AlGaN buffers for GaN-on-Si heterostructures grown by MOCVD]

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Ghosh, Saptarsi 
Hinz, Alexander M 
Frentrup, Martin 
Alam, Saiful 
Wallis, David J 


The dataset includes all the data used for the quantitative analysis in the associated article. The sample numbers are the same as in the article, and all the quantities have the same units that are used in the article (e.g., GPa for stress, µm for thickness, arc-secs for HRXRD FWHMs etc.). In particular, the stress-thickness (abbreviated ‘St_thick’, ‘ST’, or ‘Stress_thick’ in the column header) versus thickness (abbreviated ‘Thick’ or ‘Layer_Thick’) data for each layer includes both experimentally collected data (abbreviated ‘Expt’) and fitted data (abbreviated ‘Fit’). The data for the AlN, the complete AlGaN buffers, and the GaN layers for each wafer are tabulated in separate files. All the other files include only experimental data from the measurements described in the article.


Software / Usage instructions

Microsoft excel


Material growth, Mechanical property of thin films, Semiconductors


Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EP/R03480X/1)