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Pulsed transistor operation enables miniaturization of electrochemical aptamer–based sensors

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By simultaneously transducing and amplifying, transistors offer advantages over simpler, electrode-based transducers in electrochemical biosensors. However, transistor-based biosensors typically use static (i.e., DC) operation modes that are poorly suited for sensor architectures relying on the modulation of charge transfer kinetics to signal analyte binding. Thus motivated, here we translate the AC “pulsed potential” approach typically used with electrochemical aptamer-based (EAB) sensors to an organic electrochemical transistor (OECT). Specifically, by applying a linearly sweeping square-wave potential to an aptamer-functionalized gate electrode, we produce current modulation across the transistor channel two orders of magnitude larger than seen for the equivalent, electrode-based biosensor. Unlike traditional EAB sensors, our aptamer-based OECT (AB-OECT) sensors critically maintain output current even with miniaturization. The pulsed transistor operation demonstrated here could be applied generally to sensors relying on kinetics-based signaling, expanding opportunities for non-invasive and high spatial resolution biosensing.



3401 Analytical Chemistry, 34 Chemical Sciences, 40 Engineering, 46 Information and Computing Sciences, 4009 Electronics, Sensors and Digital Hardware, 4605 Data Management and Data Science, Bioengineering, Biotechnology

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Science Advances

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American Association for the Advancement of Science
Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EP/L016087/1)
NERC (NE\T012293/1)
European Commission Horizon 2020 (H2020) Marie Sk?odowska-Curie actions (101022365)
EPSRC (EP/W017091/1)
Engineering and Physical Sciences Research 358 Council (EP/L016087/1) Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) under Award No. NE/T012293/1 European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No. 101022365 Cambridge International & Churchill Pochobradsky Scholarship
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