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A Dynamic Theory of Prosecutorial Roles in Adversarial Trials

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jats:titleAbstract</jats:title> jats:pProsecutors in adversarial systems are simultaneously expected to be impartial ministers of justice and partisan advocates. Leaving this tension unaddressed can result in poor-quality prosecutorial decision-making. This article develops a novel “dynamic” framework for prosecutors to navigate between and prioritize these competing considerations, which can be used to understand, evaluate, and improve prosecutorial performance. Under this framework, the prioritization should depend on which function the prosecutor is exercising at any given time. The article then deploys primary data collected in Delhi, through court observation and interviews with judges, lawyers, victims, and victim-support persons, to exemplify and justify the framework.</jats:p>



48 Law and Legal Studies, 4805 Legal Systems, Minority Health

Journal Title

Asian Journal of Law and Society

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Cambridge University Press (CUP)
I am not sure this is relevant. The fieldwork for the article was conducted as part of my DPhil at Oxford and was supported by a range of scholarships and student grants including the Rhodes, Mann Senior Scholarship (Hertford college, Oxford), bursary from Magdalen college, and small travel grants from the Law Faculty, Oxford Pro Bono Publico and Rhodes Trust. To my knowledge, none of these place any publication requirements or restrictions.