Biosynthesis of Putrescine from L-arginine Using Engineered Escherichia coli Whole Cells
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jats:pPutrescine, a biogenic amine, is a highly valued compound in medicine, industry, and agriculture. In this study, we report a whole-cell biocatalytic method in Escherichia coli for the production of putrescine, using L-arginine as the substrate. L-arginine decarboxylase and agmatine ureohydrolase were co-expressed to produce putrescine from L-arginine. Ten plasmids with different copy numbers and ordering of genes were constructed to balance the expression of the two enzymes, and the best strain was pACYCDuet-speB-speA. The optimal concentration of L-arginine was determined to be 20 mM for this strain. The optimum pH of the biotransformation was 9.5, and the optimum temperature was 45 °C; under these conditions, the yield of putrescine was 98%. This whole-cell biocatalytic method appeared to have great potential for the production of putrescine.</jats:p>
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