Research data supporting 'Imaging Light-Induced Migration of Dislocations in Halide Perovskites with 3D Nanoscale Strain Mapping'
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Research data supporting "Imaging Light-Induced Migration of Dislocations in Halide Perovskites with 3D Nanoscale Strain Mapping".
The .zip file contains all the data required to reproduce the main text and supporting figures. For more details see the read_me files located in the main folder and also subfolders.
The primary data types are raw diffraction data (intensity counts per pixel) from Bragg coherent diffraction imaging scans performed at the I13-1 beamline of the Diamond Light Source Synchrotron in Didcot, UK. These data are in stacked .tif file format and are all organised according to the figure in which they are used. These tif stacks can then be reconstructed into real space objects ("reconstructions") using the MatLab code provided in the "reconstruction code" folder with instructions on how to use the code are contained in this folder's "read_me.txt" file.
Data characterising the dislocations found in this work are generated though analysis of the dislocation-containing reconstructions according to the method outlined in the manuscript. This analysis was performed using Paraview software.
The other data contained in this file are from photoluminescence microscopy measurements performed in Stranks group labs in Cambridge. Detailed equipment specifications and measurement methods are given in the linked manuscript. Hyperspectral mapping data is in .h5 format which can be opened using python and we recommend using the HyperSpy package linked in the relevant "read_me.txt" files. Time-resolved photoluminescence data are provided in .csv format for ease of plotting.